
DeFiChain Airdrop

Listed on CoinMarketCap
DeFiChain (DFI)
Value: ?
Start date: 9/09/20

Tasks for DeFiChain airdrop:

Ticker: DFI

Tokens per airdrop: 1 BTC : 500 DFI
WOW, such value!

Platform: OWN

For holders of: BITCOIN

Publish date: September 6, 2020

Check/uncheck this airdrop as DONE

How to get DeFiChain airdrop:

The DeFi Blockchain is a dedicated non-Turing-complete blockchain, designed specifically for the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry. DeFi provides full functionality for this specific segment of the DLT community, sacrificing other types of functionality for simplicity, rapid throughput, and security. DeFi blockchain has built its own blockchain.

DeFi Blockchain airdrop is a holder airdrop. To get DFI coins you need to hold Bitcoin (BTC) in your wallet. The snapshot will occur on 9th September. If you are holding 1 BTC in your wallet, you will get 500 DFI coins.

Step-by-step guide on how to get DeFi Blockchain airdrop:

  1. Hold your Bitcoin in a private wallet that supports message signing
  2. The snapshot for the airdrop will happen at BTC Block #647,500, which is on September 9th at around 22:00 UTC
  3. All eligible BTC holders will receive 500 DFI per 1 BTC up to a maximum of 100 BTC
  4. There’s no minimum amount of BTC required to claim this airdrop and you will have time until the end of the year to submit your claim
  5. There’s no manual action required for now. You will be able to claim your coins by signing a message with your BTC wallet. More detailed information regarding the airdrop and claiming will be announced after the snapshot
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DeFi Blockchain Airdrop

DeFiChain (DFI) - Project information:

DeFiChain is developing the DeFi Blockchain, a blockchain specifically dedicated to decentralized financial applications. By focusing on the functionality of the blockchain and dedicating it specifically to decentralized finance, the DeFi Blockchain provides unparalleled high transaction throughput, reduced risk of errors, and intelligent feature development specifically for the fulfillment of financial services on the blockchain.

Total supply: 643,827,235 DFI