SmartTrip (TASH) - Project information:
A blockchain-enabled ecosystem that connects travelers and travel service providers to create unforgettable trips. Smart Trip Platform will have a wide range of social network features: chatrooms, blogs, photos & videos, reviews, etc. This way, users will be able to share their travel experiences, ask and give advice, find travel mates, build up their ratings and become influencers, create itineraries together, and much more. To travel business, Smart Trip Platform will offer low commissions, direct access to a vast client base from across the globe, and affordable advertising on the platform. Smart Trip Platform will be the first A to Z trip planning tool and travel-centered social network - all powered by blockchain.
Good rating on ICO Bench, but only from 2 experts
ICO token price: 1 TASH = $0.01
Total supply: 5,000,000,000 TASH