How to get Pacmoon airdrop:
Pacmoon V2 is now live!
Create an account and invite your friends to start earning $PAC.
Create content about Pacmoon to earn $PAC.
To earn $PAC, your Tweet must include @pacmoon_, Pacmoon, or $PAC.
Pacmoon goal is to reward creators.
How it works:
- Visit the Pacmoon Airdrop page. (use invite code ‘ADDERMIKE1972’)
- Tweet about Pacmoon.
- Receive a like from someone who holds 10k+ $PAC.
- Earn points based on how much $PAC they hold.
Focus on creating high quality content to earn the most $PAC.
If the PacMoon account likes your content, it’s in the running to earn rewards!
- Discuss $PAC price predictions.
- Include external links in your tweets.
- Promote buying or selling of $PAC.
Go here for tips on how to get a retweet from the Pacmoon account.
Like Tweets about Pacmoon to earn $PAC.
The more $PAC you hold, the more points you can earn
How it works:
- Hold 10k+ $PAC
- Like Tweets about Pacmoon
- Earn points based on how much $PAC you hold (1 point per 100 $PAC)
You only need to like 1 tweet to earn all your points for the day.
If you like multiple tweets in a day, the points are split evenly among creators.
You can now support Pacmoon Creators and decide on the future allocation of $PAC.
You must make your likes tab public on Twitter in order for Pacmoon to track them.
Stay tuned, and don’t forget to check out our big list of the hottest crypto airdrops.