
AIGO Airdrop



Value: $20
Referral: $1

Tasks for AIGO airdrop:

Telegram is required
Twitter is required
YouTube is required

Ticker: XGP

Tokens per airdrop: 1000
WOW, such value!

Tokens per referral: 50
WOW, such value!

Platform: ETHEREUM

Publish date: June 25, 2019

Check/uncheck this airdrop as DONE

How to get AIGO airdrop:

Aigo airdrop is an easy crypto airdrop hosted with the Telegram bot. To get free XGP tokens, built on Ethereum, you will need to follow instructions from the bot to follow the crypto project on various social media platforms. For successful participation, you will get 1000 XGP tokens, and for every referral, you will get 50 XGP tokens. This airdrop is not verified.

Step-by-step guide on how to get Aigo airdrop:

  1. Chat with this Telegram bot
  2. Join Telegram group (+300 XGP)
  3. Join Telegram channel (+200 XGP)
  4. Follow them on Twitter and retweet the pinned tweet (+200 XGP)
  5.  Subscribe to the YouTube (+100 XGP)
  6. Follow them on Medium (+100 XGP)
  7. For every referral you will get 50 XGP tokens
Follow us on Twitter, join our Telegram channel, or like us on Facebook to receive new airdrops and help us build a community!
Aigo Airdrop
1000 XGP

AIGO (XGP) - Project information:

Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World AIGO is rebuilding the payment space with flexibility and ease of use of credit cards for blockchain technology. We are developing a complete payment system that has needs in the business world. Expand and increase your payment options and start following the cryptocurrency today What is AIGO? AI-Payment is designed for direct transfer of value between the two parties, without having to go through an intermediary (P2P). The basic type of this transaction is “Push”, although this gal may be enough as a POC for cryptocurrency, it is certainly very sufficient to get them to use payments using digital currencies for modern trade. Our Vision and Mission At present there are many obstacles that prevent the purchase of goods with cryptocurrency if the holder does not convert to fiat currency. Adopting many crypto payment networks such as AI-Payment can result in crypto currency holders being able to transact directly with traders without having to go through additional banking layers. By promoting protocols for high and large transaction volume industries. How It works? For cryptocurrency to be successful over time, it needs to be a core aspect of the ecosystem it represents. The AI-Payment ecosystem will be built entirely around the functionality of AIGOPay Tokens. Our goal is to create a standard “De-jure & De-Facto”. AI-payment for modern payments by adopting strong economic token support. Early Adopters Early adopters are leading businesses from various industries that have been committed to AI-Payment Chain. This trader is vol. significant processing can be done in the AIGO Ecosystem. Partner Launch We have carefully selected launch partners with the ability to realize AI-Payment ‘potential in the field of personal market skills. This market will enable people to empower, service fees, and destroy the current revenue allocation model. AI-Payment pride As part of a support system that will be developed in order to promote the adoption of AIGO tokens, we will combine applications as part of our wallets where only businesses have chosen to process with AI-Payment. Our Platform A - Wallet A dashboard of accounts is used to view account details and to connect wallet-to-wallet. Wallet is the user’s private key holder. A-Wallet will facilitate the interaction of bill payments and between accounts. This interaction consists of PullRequests, approves transactions, shows transaction history, and displays account balance. A - Card A platform that we will realize is where the payment system uses an ATM card (A-Card). We will disseminate an A-Card that can help overcome the solution of fiat currency withdrawal (Crypto Card Bank) and also to pay bills without the slightest fee. A - Store A marketplace that supports AI-System, the purpose of this system is to allow users to buy goods without confirmation from the center, which is instant without a significant time lag. This is one of the AIGO Platforms that has something unique from other e-Commerce. A - Chain AIGO will initially be introduced to the Ethereum network but intends to use other networks to develop signs in the future. The AIGO solution consists of several smart and unique contract components that come together to create a flexible AI-Payment Chain.

ICO date: 23/07/2019

ICO token price: 1 XGP = $0.02

Total supply: 1,000,000,000 XGP